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Survival Swimming for children 6 months to 6 years old
Servicing Lake and Orange County since 2018
Did you know a child as young as 6 months can learn to rotate onto their back and sustain this lifesaving position until rescued? My teaching is based on the PediaSwim philosophy, where your child will learn to become confident and skilled in the water.
These personalized, one-on-one lessons, focus on the "Swim-Float-Swim Sequence" – a common-sense approach that builds awareness, safety, and confidence in each child, thus becoming self-reliant should there be an aquatic emergency.
This is not a replacement for adult supervision. Our #1 rule is to always have an adult present while children are swimming. Designate a "Water Watcher". This is someone who is free of all distractions and never leaves the pool unattended.
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